Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) is based in Beirut and runs nine, ongoing open call grant programs, three of which are currently accepting submissions: Cinema, Music, and a Research on the Arts Program. Each grant aims to support specific aspects of creative projects and productions (such as album releases, editing costs, travel budgets, etc).
The Cinema grant is open to all kinds of fiction film projects. The program welcomes submissions of short and medium-length narrative films in production and post-production and feature narratives that are in development, production, or post-production phases. The Music grant supports production, performances, collaborations, album recordings, and festivals. The Research on the Arts Program (RAP), which is a joint program between AFAC and the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS), aims to support research on all artistic practices across disciplinary boundaries and methodological approaches on key themes of concern to, and in, the Arab region.
For more about the AFAC and for detailed information on all three grants, visit arabculturefund.org.