The AFLAMUNA Independent Resources Initiative is looking for innovative projects that can revitalize the independent Arab film ecosystem. The initiative is particularly interested in models that reimagine how professionals within the independent Arab film industry train, collaborate, produce, distribute, and archive cinema. Both brand-new, unprecedented projects and those that draw inspiration from once-promising practices that have fallen out of use are welcomed.
The Independent Film Ecosystem, as defined by AFLAMUNA, comprises various actors—from filmmakers, production houses, non-profit support initiatives, funders, to audiences—that affect and are affected by the independent filmmaking process in the region. It also includes the interdependencies and links between these different actors.
Selected projects will receive a development grant between 2,000 and 4,000 EUR. These projects will be guided by experts throughout the development process and towards realizing a full proposal and financial plan. Additionally, all project representatives will participate in an online lab to share ideas and benefit from peer-to-peer learning and feedback.
Please note that this is not a film production grant. However, initiatives aiming to produce films in innovative or unconventional ways are welcome to apply. The grant can be used for research, training, or any initiative that reimagines film production. Find out more on the AFLAMUNA's website.
Any individual, group, or emerging organization with an innovative project for independent Arab film is eligible to apply. For inquiries, reach out to programs@aflamuna.org. AFLAMUNA is committed to being a safe space and upholds freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. Discrimination against applicants because of race, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, marital status, or disability is prohibited.