Darat al Funun, a platform for contemporary Arab artists that supports artistic practices, as well as archiving of Arab art, is organizing an open call for the 2024 Projects at The Lab program. This initiative invites artists and creatives from all fields to reflect on the importance of artistic and cultural practice within the context of the Palestinian struggle. The goal is to provoke thought on the cultural, legal, geographical, and historical dimensions of the Palestinian context. Here is an excerpt from the open call on Darat al Funun's website:
“At this pivotal juncture, Palestine is reaffirming its historical struggle and its right to narrate its events and dictate its future. This determination unfolds in the face of systematic and violent efforts by the settler colonial machine, which is operating at an unprecedented genocidal scale, to fragment, erase, and displace the Palestinian people from their land and realities. The current events are redefining many concepts related to Palestinian identity, cultural, and urban heritage, as well as understandings of diaspora, refuge, resilience, land, and return, among other tenets. This recentering of the struggle thereby calls for the continuous advancement and development of its own modes, meanings and methods, against those imposed by settler colonial forces upon Palestine at all scales.”
The Lab is particularly interested in experimental, collaborative, and interactive contributions across various artistic disciplines. Selected projects will receive access to The Lab space for a mutually agreed period, and any necessary materials or equipment available at Darat al Funun. The organizing team will assist in producing and installing the works according to a mutually agreed production plan, budget, and timeline. Additionally, Darat al Funun will promote the project on its social media channels and website and will provide a basic amount to cover production costs (excluding any other expenses).
While this open call welcomes international proposals, applicants should note that Darat al Funun does not cover travel or insurance expenses. However, they may provide accommodation in one of their residency flats. To apply for this open call, complete the application form on the Darat al Funun's website.