The Berliner Gazette is organizing a Call for Papers for their 25th-anniversary project, "Kin City.” This project aims to explore socio-ecological perspectives on equity and justice within the context of urban metabolisms. The Call invites researchers, activists, and cultural workers engaged in emancipatory struggles to submit their work. The goal is to interweave urban and ecological issues within an expanded internationalist framework, considering urban environmental racism, class, decolonial, and migration issues.
The project focuses on five thematic strands related to urban resources, environmental justice, labor struggles, decolonization of urban metabolisms, and the role of cities in climate crisis-related displacement. Texts of 1,500 words or 10,000 characters can be submitted in either English or German to info@berlinergazette.de until July 1st, 2024, or November 15th, 2024.
The selected texts, published under a Creative Commons license, will become part of a series within the framework of the "Kin City" project. Find more information about the call on the Berliner Gazette's website.