Brooklyn Museum
The Bard Graduate Center, in collaboration with the Brooklyn Museum, have announced a postdoctoral fellow position in the arts of Africa. Working in partnership with, and under the direction of the Curator of African Arts, the BGC/BKM Postdoctoral Fellow will assist in all aspects of the development of the Museum’s installation of its renowned African Arts collection in a new dedicated gallery scheduled to open in 2025, with a focus on interpreting historical African art through a contemporary lens. The fellow will also have the opportunity to curate collection installations, at the Brooklyn Museum and/or at Bard Graduate Center, and will also contribute to the planning of a 2023 State of the Field symposium on African art at Bard Graduate Center. The fellow will also teach one graduate-level course each year on the Arts of Africa at Bard Graduate Center, on a topic to be determined in consultation with the Chair of the Academic Program.
The appointment will run from the 1st of August, 2021 to the 30th of June, 2024. Requirements include a PhD in art history or a related discipline such as Africana studies, anthropology, or history. The salary is $45,000 with housing, medical insurance, and an annual $1,500 travel & research stipend provided. All materials must be received by December 1st, 2020.
Fill out an application here and write to fellowships@bgc.bard.edu with additional questions.