Right: Root systems
Sandberg Instituut
Sandberg Instituut, with a campus in Amsterdam, has five main master's programs in arts, architecture, and design. Every year, the institute also offers two temporary programs for applicants and in 2021, enrollment is opened for the Blacker Blackness and Ecologies of Transformation programs. The deadline for applications is April 1st.
The organizers of the Blacker Blackness program propose to explore the art and artistic representation of the Afro-European community from the 15th century to the present, using imagination as the main tool for decolonial analysis. The Ecologies of Transformation program aims to find and develop practices for social change, which are possible through "learning about the past that allows us to vision and grow new futures." The learning process consists of lectures and seminars, requires writing papers, and creating individual or collective projects. Artists, designers, curators, interdisciplinary researchers, and other cultural enthusiasts are invited.
Applications with a motivation letter and portfolio are accepted through the form on the Institute's website. Knowledge of English is required. There are tuition costs, but you can apply for the Holland Scholarship program.
Read more on the website.