L. Huber / Goethe Institut
In the 21st century, the space of contemporary music is still Eurocentric. The Goethe-Institut and the Ensemble Recherche invite composers and sound artists from developing countries to participate in a digital music research laboratory. Applications are accepted until August 30th.
The aim of the project is to explore (post-)colonialism and its consequences through an individual artistic approach. The organizers will select ten musicians and help them with promotion and support, providing a platform for creative implementation. Ensemble Recherche members want to critically rethink their own assessment models and learn how to encourage diversity and inclusion. Selected candidates will collaborate with the Ensemble Recherche for ten days of virtual residencies. Joint musical works will be performed and recorded at the end of 2022. Participants will receive a grant of 800 euros.
Musicians of any age, gender, race are welcome. Educational background doesn't matter. Submit your applications through a special form, attaching three recent entries or videos, an essay with reasoning on the topic of (post-)colonialism, a short video with a story about yourself, and a resume. For all questions please contact musikresidenzen@goethe.de.
Read more on the website.