Künstlerische Tatsachen project brings together scientists and artists in a format of residency: Scientists open their laboratories, while artists create artworks based on artistic engagement with scientific problems or topics, which can serve as a starting point for a social discourse around the topic of tensions. The works created during the transdisciplinary residency by the five participating artists will be exhibited at the end. An engagement with scientific themes and techniques is desirable.
The residency offers two periods: a short period focusing on Performance and Time-based Art including music and literature, and a long period preferably for Media Art but open to all. The short period offers a fee of €800, accommodation and studio, plus production allowances of €300. The long period offers a fee of €1700, accommodation and studio, plus production allowances of €500.
The project will take place at the TRAFO Jena. The TRAFO is an innovation lab for contemporary art forms and media in Jena city, providing both a working and exhibition space.
For the short period, the residency is from July 14th through September 1st, with an optional extension to September 14th for the Vernissage. For the long period, the residency is from July 14th through September 30th.
Interested artists are asked to send a CV, portfolio (maximum 20 pages), and a filled-in form to apply. Applications are accepted up to and including May 1st. More information can be found on the Künstlerische Tatsachen's website.