The Saison Artist in Residence Visiting Fellows 2024 Open Call aims to foster an international network for contemporary performing arts and enhance mutual understanding. It provides opportunities for international artists and arts managers to research the contemporary performing arts scene in Japan and support those expected to play a significant role in the international performing arts scene.
The Saison Foundation offers two types of Residencies:
— Research Residency for Artists
— Research Residency for Arts Managers
One international artist and one international arts manager will be selected as Visiting Fellows 2024. The residency periods run from November 28th to December 24th, 2024 and from January 23rd to March 25th, 2025.
The Saison Foundation provides a grant that includes a round-trip Economy-class ticket, living expenses (5,000 JPY per day excluding the days of arrival and departure), and research and activities costs (up to 5,000 JPY per day excluding the days of arrival and departure). The total upper limit is 500,000 JPY for each artist and arts manager who meet the requirements outlined in the application guidelines. Additionally, accommodation and studio fees at Morishita Studio will be covered by the foundation as part of residency support.
Applicants must download the application form by July 1st, 2024 and submit it before the deadline on Thursday, July 4th, 2024.
For more details about the program and the application process visit the website of Saison Foundation.