Frank Kidner / Wikimedia Commons
Jadaliyya is a platform that brings together scholars, artists, and activists to distribute relevant research about the regions of West Asia and North Africa. Their environmental page is launching an open call, asking for articles that critically analyze the relationship between political uprisings and the environment. Submissions are accepted at any time and selected articles will be published by the end of 2021.
Ten years after the start of the Arab Spring, environmental issues and political confrontations have not lost their importance. The editors of the publication mention that the analysis of the Arab uprisings revealed links between the climate crisis and the Syrian conflict, defining it as the first "climate war." While the organizers are interested in the relationship between civil unrest and environmental change in 2010-2011, the editors also welcome the analysis of the trans-regional and transnational consequences of these events. Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to: critical discussion of the myths associated with the concept of "climate wars," the relationship of uprisings to dominant narratives of scarcity and inequality of resources’ distribution in the region (e.g. oil and water), agricultural and development issues and their relationship to crises, and others.
Jadaliyya's editors are looking forward to materials that will help rethink and expand the often narrow framework that determines the environmental agenda in the region. Both full texts and ideas for future articles are accepted for the competition. Send your research and questions to environment@jadaliyya.com.
Read more on the website.