21.114.3 / The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The History of Soviet Central Asia in 100 Objects is a digital exhibition project at the Nizami Ganjavi Center at Oxford University, which aims to reflect the Soviet history of Central Asia in its preserved artifacts. Each researcher can propose an object that reveals a certain episode of the Soviet past. Applications are accepted until May 10th.
After the open call, an online exhibition will be held where 100 exhibited pieces will create the atmosphere of the Soviet past, reflecting the ideas, events, and experiences of different periods of this era. Artifacts will show the past from an unusual perspective, revealing the multicultural and global interconnections of the region: through clothing or food, migration, contacts, and relationships with other regions.
Send an image of a material object (diaries, letters, personal belongings, song recordings are also accepted); an accompanying text explaining how the proposed artifact reveals a specific period, idea, process, experience, or event (as well as a short biography) to sovietobjects@gmail.com.
Read more on the website.