Land Art Mongolia Biennial
The 2021, Land Art Mongolia 6th Biennial, under the title “A Nomadic Horizon,” has announced a call for proposals. The organizers are seeking applications from emerging and mid-career artists.The idea behind the program is for applicants to pursue projects in tandem with local artists, taking personal work and integrating and sharing it through collegial interaction within the community of Mongolian, international artists, and the general public. The application requires experience in environmental art or public urban art.
The Biennial 2021 is split into two sections: the Art LAB in Ulaanbaatar (Urban public art) and the Land Art Biennial in Tsagaan Suvarga (Landart). The land art camp is in the Gobi Desert and provides a bathroom and shower, kitchen, and studio. Artists are expected to interact with the environment of nature. A documentary exhibition of the realized works will be presented at the Biennial venues of Ulaanbaatar.
National and international visual artists are eligible to apply. All support materials must be in English and the submission packet must consist of one single PDF. Students are not eligible for residencies and accommodations are provided to selected individual artists only. Invited artists will be hosted during their stay in Mongolia and LAM 360° will provide them with transportation within Mongolia and full accommodation during the stay in the Gobi and Ulaanbaatar. Due to the limited resources in the steppe, only individual proposals are accepted.
The deadline for submissions is November 30th 2020. For more information, visit Land Art Mongolia website.