FBQ. 8493. FBQ Museums
Works of art and household items can provide insight into the mores and ways of life in Qatar. With this in mind, an exposition will take place at the Russian Ethnographic Museum in Saint Petersburg from June 5th to August 22nd.
The exhibition Qatar Between Land and Sea. Through Arts and Heritage is a story about the country, its history, culture, and customs. The exposition does not claim to be large-scale and to fully cover the many centuries of Qatari history and culture. Items on display include traditional handmade carpets, rare deep-sea pearls, a collection of antique jewelry, and weapons, as well as other historical objects of Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al Thani Museum, the collection from the National Museum of Qatar, and some artifacts from the Arab Museum of Modern Art (Mathaf).
“The objects represent a selection of Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al Thani’s modern version of a Cabinet of Curiosities, the historic and eclectic room of marvels from the Renaissance that amazed connoisseurs and collectors throughout time. On display, objects span over a hundred years ranging in size: from an intricately decorated glass lamp to engraved ivory boxes, or precious gemstones and jewellery never exhibited before outside of Qatar.” says the director of the Sheikh Museum, Claudio Cravero, in comments about the presented collection.
The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Creative Agency as part of the cultural program of the State of Qatar at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum this year.
Read more on the website.