Frame Contemporary Art Finland invites you to the launch of a new publication, Falling In: Movement and Becoming in Curatorial Research, published in collaboration with Mousse Publishing. The book brings together curators from different geographical locations to discuss their methods, motives, and goals for conducting research in the field of curating. They delve into the depths of their work, exploring its performative, educational, historical, affective, bodily, activist, and collective aspects. Instead of focusing solely on curating or exhibiting research, this book explores the motivations, insights, and potentials of curatorial research from various perspectives. Falling In aims to map out its different locations, contexts, stakeholders, temporalities, and materialities, ultimately expanding the notion of what research can be. The launch event includes an introduction to the book, as well as presentations from the book’s contributors.
The Frame Curatorial Research Fellowship program and the publication are supported by the Kone Foundation. Frame advocates for Finnish contemporary art, supports international initiatives, and facilitates professional partnerships, encouraging critical development of the field. Find more information about the book and the entire program of the event on Frame's website.
Kunsthalle Kohta
Teurastamo inner yard
Työpajankatu 2 B, building 7
Helsinki, Finland