Right: Still from Live, Chile (Black Brown Berlin, 2020)
CC: World
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin is continuing their ongoing project “CC:World”, in which a variety of authors send a series of digital letters in video, text, and audio formats. The center describes the contributions as a sort of “open window of reflection, clearing our view of the cracks in this planetary present and the misguided logics of the past, but also of possible futures.” The series came in part as a response to the pandemic, specifically to address both the positive and negative aspects of the experience, including the inequalities, racism, and social injustices on the rise and the simultaneous formation of new types of kinship, ties, and solidarity.
In open letters with multifaceted forms and mediums, authors from all over the globe compose personal letters sharing their takes on the situation, with the virus functions as an amplifier and magnifying glass. The pandemic forces artists to pause in opposition to the economization of all spheres of life, to ask questions such as: how are artists and people who think about alternative forms of thought and action experiencing this existential situation? What do they see in this state of standstill, of limbo?
To be part of CC’d, visit their website.