PACT Division of the European Graduate School (ESG) is taking applications for enrollment and has published the upcoming session schedule for fall 2020. These intensive sessions take place over twenty four days, wherein the institution’s faculty will address the foundations of modern thought and creative practice. This fall’s schedule (which begins October 2nd) includes sessions with Judith Butler, Karen Barad, Keller Easterling, and Peter Szendy, among others. The deadline for auditors is September 28, 2020.
The PACT Division of EGS is concerned with philosophy, art, and critical thought, and the ways in which these concepts are applied within the fields of architecture, film, literature, digital design, music, psychoanalysis, and political thought. The program has existed for over two decades, and its focus on cross disciplinary, low-residency MA and PhD programs allows for an abundance of experience to be amassed in a short period of time, taking place at annual intensive seminar programs led by faculty in residence in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, and Valletta, Malta. PACT provides the possibility of attendance in individual courses and its seminar structure gives individuals the possibility of pursuing other work or modes of study throughout the year.
For those interested in applying for study through EGS, applications are now welcome for all sessions and all study opportunities in 2020. EGS also has multiple opportunities for grants and scholarships available.
Visit the program website to learn more — egs.edu.