Throughout history, language has been systematically used as a weapon to assert control and delegitimize belonging: without enough regard to its empowering and liberating potential. By exploring language affects specific to artists, poets, writers and activists, Sturm and Slang intends to illuminate the various processes of adaptation, evolution, and hybridization—from slang to queer linguistics—amidst great geopolitical changes and cultural upheavals.
The spring-fall 2024 program at Pickle Bar takes a closer look at the transformation and disruption of languages as a means of forging new ways of being and identity in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Middle East, the Baltics and Central Asia and their significant diaspora communities. A series of performances, lectures, round tables and workshop investigates the spaces for inclusivity and linguistic affinities from acoustic, visual and semantic perspectives to celebrate and redeem the necessarily fluid nature of language as an agency of self-determination and empowerment.
Upcoming events:
April 12th, 7:30 PM: Diliara Brileva, “Alternative Women's Discourse in Tatar Satirical Magazines in Late Imperial Russia”, lecture
April 26th, 7:30 PM: Urok Shirhan, “Arabic Letter Seen س Arabic Letter Wow و,” lecture-performance
May 31st, 7:30 PM and 9 PM: Hussein Nassereddine, “Laughing on the River, Your Eyes Drown in Tears,” performance
June 13th, 7:30 PM: Daniel Kotowski, performance
June 27th, 7:30 PM: Natalia Papaeva, Agnieszka Matkowska, Tudebei Khandama, Timur Zolotoev, panel discussion
July 12th, 7:30 PM: Fatma Cheffi, performance
September 13th, 7:30 PM and 08:30 PM: Agnė Jokšė, “Lezbynai,” performance
October 4th, 7:30 PM: Mila Panić, stand-up comedy
October 11th: Qalqalah قلقلة, workshop
November 8th: Mekhitar Garabedian, Garine Gokceyan, workshop
Curators (Slavs and Tatars): Patricia Couvet, Anastasia Marukhina